"A milestone in skilled labour immigration."

The “Fair Recruitment of Nursing Staff Germany” seal of quality was developed on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and awarded for the first time on 2 February 2022. It stands for fair and transparent design in the recruitment and placement of care workers from abroad.

We are pleased that GERVIE is one of the first verified recipients of this important award – and would like to thank all our employees who bring values such as “fairness” or “transparency” to life every day.

Parliamentary State Secretary Professor Edgar Franke congratulated the first recipients of the seal of quality on behalf of Federal Minister Professor Lauterbach: “This seal is a milestone in the immigration of skilled workers. It lets care workers from abroad know that their future employer or the placement agency ensures a fair and transparent recruitment process.”

Professor Franke also emphasised the commitment to support the foreign nursing professionals in their integration and to pay them like their German colleagues: “This commitment creates trust. Thus, the seal also contributes to a modern immigration and integration policy. That is why the legislator introduced this seal of quality.”

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A visit from the ambassador.

The St. Bonifatius Hospital Society, Gervie PM GmbH, the town of Lingen and the Emsland Business Association received a special guest. H.E. Dr. Nguyen Minh Vu, Vietnamese Ambassador in Berlin, came to visit Lingen together with his wife Thien Huong.

The official reception in the New Town Hall was followed by a guided tour of the town with the “Kivelingen” – the traditional bachelor association. During the joint events and celebrations, it became clear once again that the Vietnamese and German mentalities go very well together.

Of course, there was also an important perspective reason for the visit. Ansgar Veer, Managing Director of St. Bonifatius Hospitalgesellschaft, described to the ambassador the situation surrounding the shortage of nursing staff in Emsland: “We are a rural region with a lot of heart, but due to demographic developments we also need more and more nursing staff to care for the elderly, which we cannot recruit from the young people in our region alone.”

It is good to know that more than 60 Vietnamese elderly care workers have already been recruited. 35 more care workers will be coming to Lingen in the near future. Ansgar Veer reported that the Vietnamese professionals are an enrichment, especially in the field of care for the elderly: “We experience them as friendly, caring for the elderly, willing to learn and hardworking!

Conversely, Ambassador Dr. Nguyen Minh Vu was impressed by Bonifatius Hospital and Caritas Altenhilfe. He was particularly pleased about the successful integration of his compatriots: “During my visit I saw that the Vietnamese professionals can live here sheltered and safe.” He also explained that old people’s homes were still a rarity in Vietnam. The elderly are mostly cared for by their families, he said, which is why there is a surplus of caregivers in Vietnam. “I am happy that we can support you and benefit from each other!”

Barbecue in Lingen.

Pastor Thomas Burke came up with the idea: a barbecue evening with all of GERVIE’s Vietnamese trainees and skilled workers to get to know them personally and ask about their experiences so far. Also present were Mechthild Weßling from the Emsland Business Association as well as Ansgar Veer and Gerd Egbers from the Bonifatius Hospital.

First, Pastor Burke introduced himself and gave a short speech. After a round of introductions, in which all the guests introduced themselves in a few sentences, Ansgar Veer gave a longer speech. He expressed his respect for the young Vietnamese, especially for the fact that they had chosen this difficult path ¬- away from their homeland into a foreign country.

Mechthild Weßling also gave a speech. She made it clear that she would like to get to know the trainees and skilled workers better and also learn about the hurdles in their new home so that she can further optimise the future projects in terms of integration. After the speeches, the buffet was opened, with delicious potato and pasta salad and grilled meat. Among those at the grill were: Pastor Burke and Ansgar Veer. Many thanks for that!

New healthcare workers in Vilsbiburg at the finish line!

The participants of the preparatory course with their course leader Magdolna Nagy (centre back).

All six participants crossed the finish line at the knowledge test in Vilsbiburg – and mastered the exam. This means they will be recognised as healthcare professionals in Germany as soon as the language certificates are available. The “Passauer Neue Presse” reports about the successful graduates in its issue of 07 August 2021:

“For the knowledge test, the Passau University of Cooperative Education (BAP) trained six nursing staff well in the preparatory course. Inquisitive healthcare professionals from Vietnam, Ukraine and Bosnia were trained – a colourful intercultural bunch.

The course instructor Magdolna Nagy was also able to offer her course participants the opportunity for practical exercises in this fifth edition of the preparatory course: in the demo room of the nursing school at the BAP, positioning, performing injections, applying special wound dressings and also basal stimulation were practised. The practical day was a welcome and successful change from the theory lessons.”

We congratulate the graduates and wish them all the best for the future!

PNP (Passauer Neue Presse) on 07.08.2021

Congratulations: Exam passed!

The Bonifatius Hospital Lingen congratulated our specialists Thi Thu Ha Nguyen and Thi Phuong Pham on passing their exams in a small circle. We are happy for them and wish them all the best for their future careers.