All six participants crossed the finish line at the knowledge test in Vilsbiburg – and mastered the exam. This means they will be recognised as healthcare professionals in Germany as soon as the language certificates are available. The “Passauer Neue Presse” reports about the successful graduates in its issue of 07 August 2021:
“For the knowledge test, the Passau University of Cooperative Education (BAP) trained six nursing staff well in the preparatory course. Inquisitive healthcare professionals from Vietnam, Ukraine and Bosnia were trained – a colourful intercultural bunch.
The course instructor Magdolna Nagy was also able to offer her course participants the opportunity for practical exercises in this fifth edition of the preparatory course: in the demo room of the nursing school at the BAP, positioning, performing injections, applying special wound dressings and also basal stimulation were practised. The practical day was a welcome and successful change from the theory lessons.”
We congratulate the graduates and wish them all the best for the future!