Barbecue in Lingen.

Pastor Thomas Burke came up with the idea: a barbecue evening with all of GERVIE’s Vietnamese trainees and skilled workers to get to know them personally and ask about their experiences so far. Also present were Mechthild Weßling from the Emsland Business Association as well as Ansgar Veer and Gerd Egbers from the Bonifatius Hospital.

First, Pastor Burke introduced himself and gave a short speech. After a round of introductions, in which all the guests introduced themselves in a few sentences, Ansgar Veer gave a longer speech. He expressed his respect for the young Vietnamese, especially for the fact that they had chosen this difficult path ¬- away from their homeland into a foreign country.

Mechthild Weßling also gave a speech. She made it clear that she would like to get to know the trainees and skilled workers better and also learn about the hurdles in their new home so that she can further optimise the future projects in terms of integration. After the speeches, the buffet was opened, with delicious potato and pasta salad and grilled meat. Among those at the grill were: Pastor Burke and Ansgar Veer. Many thanks for that!